Rich Human

In my red sweat shirt. Hi, my name is Muntaha and I grew up in a very wealthy family. I was stubborn and spoiled. If I don’t get what I want I start to get cranky. I am now thirty years old from Canada and have pale skin and very spiky hair, blue eyes, and a buff chest. I have an elder brother and a sister who both graduated from Harvard while I showed no interest in stu dies. The best grade I got was a D. That was a big achievement for me. Later on my parents died in a terrible fire. I was sad and s ince I used to live in my parent's house I had nowhere to go. I was depressed but luckily my brother let me live in his house. He has a penthouse. Four months later I was kicked out. Apparently, I was making a big mess. I was homeless and had no money to eat, drink, or bath. In total despair I earned two dollars per fortnight or even three if I was lucky. Oh I forgot to tell you about my sister. Jessica played a big role in my life. She gave me funds every month. But lat...